Nasal/Sinus Surgery – Post-operative Instructions

  • Patients who have received general anesthesia may experience some nausea and occasionally, vomiting in the immediate post-operative period. It is therefore preferable to stick to a light soft bland meal on the first day after surgery. A regular diet/ diabetic diet/ diet recommended by the dietitian may be resumed the day following the surgery.
  • Sit in a recliner or keep head elevated for a few days following surgery. Head elevation reduces nasal bleeding and swelling.
  • Do not shower with extremely hot water in the immediate post-operative period.
  • Do not remove packing or splints, if present. You may have to breathe from your mouth if your nose is blocked due to the packing.. This may cause a dry mouth which can be relieved by frequent sips of water.
  • Slight blood-tinged discharge is expected for 2-3 days after the surgery. Wipe off the discharge but do not insert any cloth within the nasal cavity.
  • Do not blow your nose for atleast one week after the surgery. Avoid lifting heavy weights or straining. These activities can lead to nasal bleeding.
  • If you have to sneeze, please do it with your mouth open.
  • Do not take Aspirin or any other blood thinning agents for a week after the surgery unless you have been advised against doing so by your Cardiologist/Physician . You may start them earlier in case your Cardiologist/Physician has advised you to do so.
  • Take your medicines and follow up with your doctor as advised. In case you are diabetic/ hypertensive, please continue your medicines as advised by your Physician.
  • Report to your doctor in case of bleeding or fever over 100 deg F.
  • You will be usually advised to start nasal douching/ saline nasal spray after your first follow-up visit a week following the surgery. Please follow the instructions given by your doctor. Click here for a video of Nasal Douching.

In case of bleeding

  • Keep nose closed firmly by applying pressure with fingers and thumb with your mouth kept open and head bent down.
  • An ice pack may be used to apply external pressure on the nose.
  • Do not panic. Increased anxiety may lead to rise in blood pressure and further increase in bleeding.
  • Do not blow your nose.
  • Do not apply hot water or heat in any form.
  • Do not pick your nose. If there is a blood clot, do not remove it. It will increase the bleeding.
  • If you are on treatment for hypertension, take your medication (if missed).
  • Call the emergency numbers or report immediately to the Casualty department if the bleeding does not stop after 5-10 minutes.

Activity/ Returning to work

For the first month after surgery, you will need to follow some general guidelines:

  • Do not lift very heavy weights.
  • Do not bend at the waist. Instead bend at the knees and hips while keeping your upper body straight.
  • Do not strain while having a bowel movement. Take a stool softener if required.
  • Wipe your nose, but do not blow/pick your nose.
  • Sneeze with your mouth open.
  • You may start work or school within a week after surgery if you have a sedentary lifestyle. If you exercise, you will need to wait for 4 weeks or till you receive clearance from your doctor.

Please clarify with your doctor in case of any doubts.